Practice Makes Permanent

Once upon a time {long, long ago}, I would practice my violin at least 4-6 hours a day.

That was back when I was in college, of course. . .  when that was all I did other than watch "Smallville" and eat carbs in copious amounts.

Naturally, my priorities shifted as I became a wife and mother and practicing has taken a back seat. You could even say it gathers dust on the back seat of a 15 passenger van, it's so far "back". In the rare moments that I dare to unzip my case, one or more children commence having a melt down for no apparent reason.

I therefore try to make the most out of my limited practicing sessions by recording them. Heaven knows you notice different things watching and listening to yourself play instead of just listening in the moment.

Anywho, today produced a particularly entertaining clip.

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DISCLAIMERS (and there are many):

Firstly, this is a Christmas piece. If your brain will turn into goo if you listen to any sort of Christmas music before Thanksgiving, don't sue me for not warning you.

Secondly, this video was taken with my front facing camera, so the quality is "if-y" at best. And sorry the sound recording isn't much better.

Thirdly, the angle of said cellular device is most definitely the least flattering I could possibly muster. I honestly didn't plan on sharing it with the world until it became pretty darn funny.

Fourthly, I am hereby blaming any and all sour notes {and there are a few, I promise} on my little helper. I was having a hard time not laughing my bum right off.

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Hope you enjoyed it!


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